Emergency Housing Vouchers
The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program is a new affordable housing program serving low-income families across the country. EHV helps families locate rental housing and provides financial assistance to make their rent affordable. HACR began accepting referrals for the EHV Program from the Riverside County Coordinated Entry System and Victim Services Providers on October 4, 2021, and is authorized to serve up to 354 families.
Families must be low-income and meet at least one of the following categories:
- Homeless
- At risk of being homeless
- Fleeing or attempting to flee:
- Domestic violence;
- Dating violence;
- Sexual assault;
- Stalking; and/or
- Human trafficking
- Recently homeless, and rental assistance will prevent a return to homelessness or high risk of housing instability.
The EHV program does not use a waiting list to admit individuals and families. Instead, individuals and families will be referred to HACR through the Riverside County Coordinated Entry System (CES) or a victim service provider (VSP) with whom HACR has a referral partnership. *HACR cannot accept applications directly from individuals and/or families.
Why Participate in the EHV Program
By leasing your unit to an EHV customer you are helping a vulnerable family to attain safe, stable housing. Additionally, landlords can benefit from:
- $1,000 signing bonus for each new resident who leases through the EHV program;
- Security deposit assistance for EHV customers;
- On-time, convenient rental payments from the Housing Authority;
- Free biannual unit inspections;
- Access to online landlord portal with information about payments, inspection results, and more;
- Owner maintains control of all aspects of management, maintenance, and lease enforcement.
How the EHV Program Works
There are several steps to receiving EHV assistance:
- The family must be referred to HACR through the County of Riverside Coordinated Entry System or other partner agency. The referring agency will confirm that the family meets one of the four eligibility categories described above.
- HACR determines eligibility for EHV assistance.
- The family selects a unit to lease from a private landlord. Assistance will be available to help families locate a home.
- The unit must pass a housing quality inspection, and the rent must be reasonable. If the unit passes inspection and the rent is reasonable, the family may lease the unit.
- The family will pay a portion of the rent to the landlord (typically 30% of their income) and HACR pays the remaining rent to the landlord.