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Resources Directory

To search for other affordable housing opportunities that are not administered by the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside, please visit HUD’s Resource Locator  There may be other resources on this site that you may find helpful. 

For more information and resources for those currently homeless in Riverside County, please visit the following websites:

City of Riverside Resource Guide: 

The Riverside County Continuum of care:


On this page of HUD’s website you can search for Affordable Apartment listings by County.

City/AreaAgency NamePhone NumberServices
Coachella ValleyAlliance for the Mentally Ill(760) 779-9461family support group
Coachella ValleyCoachella Valley Rape Crisis Team(760) 568-9071telephone and in-person crisis intervention services for sexual assault survivors and their families. 24 hour hotline
Corona, NorcoAdult Reading Program(951) 279-3589basic literacy, one-to-one tutoring, information and referral at Corona Public Library
Corona, NorcoAl-Anon/Alateen(951) 371-9273 
Corona, NorcoAlcoholics Anonymous(951) 825-4700 
Corona, NorcoAlternatives to Domestic Violence(951) 683-0829assistance for battered spouses
Corona, NorcoCancer Support Group(951) 737-7474for patients and their families. This service, known as H.O.P.E., is offered by Corona Regional Medical Center and is located at the Conference Center on the corner of Belle and 9th Streets. Meetings are the second and fourth Mondays of every month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Corona, NorcoCatholic Charities(951) 485-2185marriage, family, and child counseling
Corona, NorcoCocaine Anonymous(951) 359-3895 
Corona, NorcoCorona-Norco Settlement House(951) 737-3504food distribution, thrift store, emergency shelter, network/referral and back to school programs for the homeless and low income
Corona, NorcoEpilepsy Society of the Inland Empire(800) 332-1000 
Corona, NorcoJEW'L(951) 279-9777meets once a week for encouragement aimed at weight loss, light exercises
Corona, NorcoJuvenile Diabetes Foundation(951) 369-1392 
Corona, NorcoLaryngectomy Mutual Support and Visitor Program(951) 984-4904 
Corona, NorcoLiteracy Services(951) 657-0796adult literacy programs and information
Corona, NorcoMaternal and Child Health Services(951) 272-5445Riverside County Health Department
Corona, NorcoMothers of Toddlers Support Group(951) 736-6376information and education on the development of children in the toddler stage. Meetings are every Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon in The Children's Center at 760 Washburn St. Ste. 24
Corona, NorcoOutpatient Diabetes Educational Program(951) 299-6220seminars are held from 10:00 a.m. to noon on the fourth Saturday of each month at the Corona Regional Medical Center
Corona, NorcoRiverside Area Rape Crisis Center(951) 686-7273hotline
Corona, NorcoRiverside County Drug Abuse Program(951) 272-5668outpatient drug abuse treatment, information and referral
Corona, NorcoTel-Law(951) 369-3563free, taped legal information
Corona, NorcoThe Children's Center(951) 736-6376/ 736-6323Offers various community education classes ranging from free to low-cost: New Mom's Connection, Mother's of Toddlers, S.T.E.P. parenting classes, Boot Camp for New Dads, Nu Parent Classes and Safe Sitters. Also offered: Glitter Group, Breastfeeding Class, Breastfeeding Consults and Infant Safety and CPR.
DesertAlzheimer's Association(951) 484-3252 
DesertAmerican Cancer Society(760) 568-2691 
DesertChild Abuse Hotline(800) 442-4918Riverside County Department of Public Social Services
DesertDesert AIDS Project(760) 323-2118/ (800) 922-2437information, referral and direct services for anyone concerned with AIDS, hotline and crisis intervention
DesertLong-term Care Ombudsman Program(760) 770-9999assistance to nursing home and board and care residents and family members
DesertNarcotics Anonymous(760) 346-5800 
DesertPlanned Parenthood(760) 775-0777 
IndioAlcoholics Anonymous(760) 568-4004 
IndioDesert Community Mental Health Center(760) 863-8455mental health services
IndioFISH(760) 347-2119provides emergency transportation and food supplies, general help
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityAdult Literacy Program(951) 657-0796one-to-one reading tutoring for adults
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityAlzheimer's Senior Daycare(951) 672-9536 
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityCaregivers Support Group(951) 672-1685For caregivers of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke and dementia victims, Sun City Gardens Retirement Community
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityHospice of Sun City(951) 672-1666medical assistance, bereavement support groups, referral services, counseling
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityInland AIDS Project(951) 346-1910Case Management, Counseling, Home Care and Support Groups, information, referral and direct services for anyone concerned with AIDS, hotline and crisis intervention.  9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., weekdays, or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityJurupa Senior Shuttle(800) 247-9293transportation program for seniors and disabled to grocery and nutrition sites
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityJuvenile Diabetes Foundation(800) 424-0100 
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityOmbudsman Program(951) 929-0196for long-term care facility (board and care and nursing home) residents who have problems
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityOstomy Association(951) 926-2898help for people who have had or will have colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy surgery
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityPrenatal Care Guidance Program(800) 242-7247/ (951) 358-5323help in acquiring medical care and financial assistance for all pregnant women
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityRamona Animal Haven(951) 654-8002stray animals accepted
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityRetired and Senior Volunteer Program(951) 929-0423Volunteer opportunities for seniors 55+
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityRiverside County Department of Public Social Services(951) 922-7550child and adult protective services
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CityShared Housing(951) 652-3591provides housing alternatives for seniors and others
Lake Elsinore, Perris, Sun CitySouthern Riverside County Family Day Care Association(951) 678-0100Child care referrals to licensed family day care homes
Palm SpringsAlcoholics Anonymous(760) 324-4880 
Palm SpringsDesert Community Mental Health Center(760) 320-0063mental health services
Riverside (City)Action(800) 367-8336counseling programs, support groups and referrals for a variety of family crises
Riverside (City)Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault Support Group(951) 686-7273 
Riverside (City)Al-Anon Family Groups(951) 824-1516for families and friends of problem drinkers
Riverside (City)Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Program(951) 601-6174a series of informal talks at Kaiser Moreno Valley Addiction Medicine Department
Riverside (City)Alcoholics Anonymous(951) 825-4700 
Riverside (City)Alliance for the Mentally Ill(951) 369-1913support group for friends and family of the mentally ill
Riverside (City)Alzheimer's(951) 509-2500information, free family support, caregiver support groups, education/training seminars, counseling, referrals
Riverside (City)Alzheimer's Association(951) 484-3252 
Riverside (City)American Cancer Society(951) 683-6415 
Riverside (City)Association for Retarded Citizens(951) 688-5141help and activity programs for retarded adults
Riverside (City)Birth Choice(951) 699-9808pregnancy testing, information and assistance
Riverside (City)Blind Information(951) 686-3746help for visually impaired.
Riverside (City)Blindness Support Services(951) 341-9244information and referral, housing assistance, peer support/adjustment counseling, Braille and tape transcription. Pre-vocational training.
Riverside (City)Caregiver Support Group(951) 672-9536for caregivers and families with members suffering from Alzheimer's and other related illnesses
Riverside (City)Caregivers Support Group(951) 478-6128support group for those assisting disabled or mentally ill people
Riverside (City)Catholic Charities(951) 485-2185/ 370-1293marriage, family, child counseling
Riverside (City)Childhood Cancer Family Support Group(951) 682-2753 
Riverside (City)Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (C.H.A.D.D.)(951) 678-7452/ 304-1623 
Riverside (City)City of Hope(951) 677-6240 
Riverside (City)Cocaine Anonymous(951) 359-3895hotline
Riverside (City)Community Outreach Ministry(951) 698-7650offers referral services to individuals or families requiring emergency services and crisis intervention: food, clothing, shelters, work force development, holiday baskets, mentoring, care groups, case management, etc.
Riverside (City)Compassionate Friends(951) 683-4160a self-help organization for bereaved parents: days and evenings until 8:00 p.m.
Riverside (City)Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Inland Empire(951) 781-0114free counseling to those in financial difficulty
Riverside (City)Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention(951) 686-4357 
Riverside (City)Daughters and Sons United(951) 358-3615group treatment for child victims of incest
Riverside (City)Depressive and Manic Depression Self-help Group(951) 780-3366 
Riverside (City)DivorceCare(951) 677-9368support group for separated or divorced
Riverside (City)Early Start Interagency Council(800) 974-5553information and referral for families who have children at risk, experiencing developmental delays or who have disabilities, ages 0-36 months.
Riverside (City)Families and Friends of Murder Victims(951) 987-9804/ 987-9805 
Riverside (City)Family Service Association(951) 686-3706personal and family troubles
Riverside (City)Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program (HICAP)(951) 676-5155/ 694-6464counseling to seniors and Medicare beneficiaries with questions about medicare, HMOS, supplemental and long term health insurance
Riverside (City)Inland Counties Legal Services(951) 683-7742 
Riverside (City)Jurupa Senior Shuttle(800) 247-9293transportation program for seniors and disabled to grocery and nutrition sites
Riverside (City)Jurupa Stake Family History Center(951) 360-8547genealogical research and information
Riverside (City)Juvenile Diabetes Foundation(951) 369-1392 
Riverside (City)Kids are Special People(951) 687-1037support group for parents of children prenatally exposed to drugs
Riverside (City)Learning Center(951) 242-0080free educational testing and tutoring with medical insurance
Riverside (City)Literacy Services(951) 688-9302adult literacy programs and information
Riverside (City)Long-term Care Ombudsman Program(951) 686-4402assistance to nursing home and board and care residents and family members
Riverside (City)Lutheran Social Services(951) 689-7847emergency food, clothing and shelter; marriage, family and child counseling
Riverside (City)MFI Recovery Center(951) 683-6596provides free services and support groups covering diverse social service issues such as recovery from abuse, anger management and parenting education.
Riverside (City)National Stuttering Project(951) 247-7156 
Riverside (City)Option House(951) 381-3471legal services for victims of domestic violence
Riverside (City)Ostomy Association(951) 926-2898help for people who had or will have colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy surgery.
Riverside (City)Overeaters Anonymous(951) 780-6122/ 353-1207have a Big Book Study from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday at 688 Peachwood Place
Riverside (City)Pain Support Group(951) 794-8400for sufferers of chronic pain
Riverside (City)Palm Springs Stroke Activity Center(760) 323-7676free rehabilitation for stroke patients.
Riverside (City)Parents of Runaway Children(951) 351-0179/ 987-1275 
Riverside (City)Parents United(951) 358-3615Support group, dealing with child sexual abuse, for perpetrating and non-offending parents.
Riverside (City)Parents Without Partners(760) 726-1200 
Riverside (City)Patients Information Library(951) 782-3783offers books, videos and other information on a variety of medical topics.
Riverside (City)Phone Alert League(951) 351-8801daily telephone calls to senior citizens and handicapped people.
Riverside (City)Pills Anonymous(951) 784-3563 
Riverside (City)Planned Parenthood(951) 682-8540 
Riverside (City)Prescription Drugs Anonymous(951) 784-3563 
Riverside (City)Prostate Cancer Support Group(951) 682-2753 
Riverside (City)Retired and Senior Volunteer Program(951) 929-0423Volunteer opportunities for seniors 55+
Riverside (City)Riverside Alanon Club(951) 351-0100activities and support for recovering alcoholics and their families.
Riverside (City)Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center(951) 686-7273hotline
Riverside (City)Riverside County Alcohol/Substance Abuse Program(951) 955-2125provides outpatient services to people suffering from alcohol and drug abuse.
Riverside (City)Riverside County Family Child Care Association(951) 715-4866 
Riverside (City)Riverside Hospice, Bereavement Center and Companion Connection(951) 274-0710assistance for the frail elderly, counseling and bereavement support groups.
Riverside (City)Salvation Army(951) 784-4490emergency food and help
Riverside (City)Salvation Army(951) 784-4495free child care for those who qualify
Riverside (City)Self-Help for the Hearing Impaired(951) 677-9114support group
Riverside (City)Sickle Cell Organization(951) 684-0420screening, counseling, medical referral
Riverside (City)Smart Recovery(951) 275-8275secular group for referral and self-help for chemical dependency
Riverside (City)Stroke Support Group(951) 672-8533 
Riverside (City)Supporting One Another(951) 688-2211, ext. 1343breast cancer support group
Riverside (City)Survivors(951) 358-3615group therapy for adults molested as children.
Riverside (City)Tel-Law(951) 369-3563free, taped legal information
Riverside (City)Thursday's Child(951) 927-8384information and support group on child support issues.
Riverside (City)Transportation Specialists(800) 247-9293Intercity transportation for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and U.S. veterans
Riverside (City)Trichotillomania (hair pullers) support group(951) 781-0548/ 796-4304 
Riverside (City)United Way of the Inland Valley(951) 679-4700 
Riverside (City)Whiteside Manor, Inc.(951) 682-6631provides services to women recovering from alcohol and drug abuse, men's services 788-9515; dual diagnosis 343-9485
Riverside (City)Women in Abusive Relationships(951) 699-3024support group
Riverside (City)Women Veterans Trauma Recovery Program(951) 422-3054counseling to women veterans for problems related to sexual harassment, assault or trauma during combat support duty
Riverside (City)Women's Alcohol Detoxification Services(951) 788-9515 
Riverside (City)Youth Service Center(951) 683-5193counseling, runaway intervention, campus outreach
Riverside (City)YWCA Women's Re-entry Opportunities(951) 688-5531counseling for women in transition, including job and college preparation.
Riverside County"Young Et Heart"(951) 688-6700arthritis support group for sufferers 16-40
Riverside CountyAdult Literacy Program(800) 464-1123free assistance with reading, writing and math
Riverside CountyAIDS hotline(800) 922-2437California Department of Health Services
Riverside CountyAlcoholics Anonymous(951) 825-4700 
Riverside CountyAll United Beautiful Minds(951) 883-7200fights stigma of ADD, OCD, bipolar, Tourette's syndrome and mental illness
Riverside CountyALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Support Group(951) 558-2128 
Riverside CountyAlternatives to Domestic Violence(951) 683-0829assistance for battered spouses
Riverside CountyAlzheimer's Association of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties(800) 660-1993 
Riverside CountyAmerican Cancer Society(800) 227-2345cancer information, patient services and referrals
Riverside CountyAmerican Red Cross(951) 328-0013food, clothing, and shelter to victims of small/large disasters, CPR/First-Aid Training, disaster preparedness training and education, sports safety
Riverside CountyC.A.R.E(951) 791-3446addresses elder abuse through education and training, serves elders over the age of 60 and dependant adults between the ages of 18 and 59
Riverside CountyCalifornia Council on Problem Gambling(800) 522-470024 hour help line
Riverside CountyCancer Self-Help Groups(800) 227-2345for patients, family members or caregivers
Riverside CountyChild Abuse Hotline(800) 442-4918 
Riverside CountyChildhelp USA(800) 422-4453National Child abuse Hotline
Riverside CountyChildren Services Unit(800) 442-4927/ (951) 788-6626referrals to child-care and day-care homes
Riverside CountyChronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome(800) 442-3437support group networks or general information
Riverside CountyCommunity Associations Institute(951) 784-8613information and education for community association homeowners, board members, and managers
Riverside CountyConsumer Credit Counseling Service of the Inland Empire(800) 947-3752free counseling to those in financial difficulty
Riverside CountyCovenant House(800) 999-9999crisis help line for homeless, abused or runaway youth
Riverside CountyCystic Fibrosis(714) 938-1393information and assistance
Riverside CountyDesert Sierra Breast Cancer Partnership(800) 511-2300provides free mammograms and clinical breast exams to women forty years of age and older that qualify
Riverside CountyDispute Resolution Center(951) 955-4903low cost mediation services to all county residents
Riverside CountyDomestic Violence Advocacy Project(800) 226-4257/ 977-4257/ (888) 805-6455free legal services to qualifying low income persons and seniors. Help with restraining orders, divorces and child support related to domestic violence
Riverside CountyEaster Seals(951) 888-4125offers services and information for children and adults with disabilities
Riverside CountyElder Fraud Information and Referrals(800) 510-2020senior help line, Riverside County Office on Aging
Riverside CountyEpilepsy Society of the Inland Empire(800) 332-1000 
Riverside CountyFacilitator/Mediator(951) 848-0291certified and available to facilitate dialogue on various topics important to your group and the community as a whole at no charge
Riverside CountyFair Housing Program of Riverside County(951) 682-6581/ (800) 655-1812help with housing, discrimination, landlord-tenant disputes
Riverside CountyFEMA(800) 462-9029Federal Emergency Management Agency helpline, information regarding disaster assistance
Riverside CountyFlanagan West(951) 924-1738homeless veterans outreach, information and referral services
Riverside CountyFoster Grandparent Program(951) 929-0423foster grandparents give supportive assistance to children in elementary schools
Riverside CountyGay and Lesbian Center of the Inland Empire(909) 562-6701P. O. Box 6333 San Bernardino, CA  92412
Riverside CountyGrandparent Program Warmline(800) 303-0001provides custodial grandparents and relative caregivers with referral services to community resources, social service programs and/or support groups
Riverside CountyHICAP(800) 434-0222/ (951) 697-6560Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program, counseling to seniors and Medicare beneficiaries with questions about Medicare, HMOS, supplemental and long term health insurance
Riverside CountyImpotents Anonymous(800) 669-1603 
Riverside CountyInform Riverside County(800) 464-1123links people with services
Riverside CountyInland Agency Community Peace Program(951) 697-6565helps schools, homes and communities build peace and prevent youth violence through school-based programs, outreach, educational workshops and consulting services
Riverside and San Bernardino CountiesInland AIDS Project(951) 346-1910Case Management, Counseling, Home Care and Support Groups, information, referral and direct services for anyone concerned with AIDS, hotline and crisis intervention
Riverside CountyInland Counties Legal Services(888) 455-4257free tenant housing hotline staffed by legal advocates assisting with eviction/housing issues. Free legal assistance to low-income and seniors.
Riverside CountyInland Empire New Voices(951) 734-0589support group for people who have had laryngectomies and their families. Meets every second Sunday of the month.
Riverside CountyInland Empire Single Parents(951) 353-0797support, education, and discussion groups. Physical custody of children is not required
Riverside CountyJewish Family Services of the Inland Communities(951) 784-1212information and assistance with emphasis on seniors
Riverside CountyKinship Support Services Program(951) 672-9673providing support services for relatives as parents. Services offered are parenting, support groups, resources and referral services. Meets every third Wednesday of the month.
Riverside CountyLa Leche League of Riverside County(951) 422-3633information and meetings regarding breastfeeding
Riverside CountyLeukemia and Lymphoma Society of America(951) 689-6153/ (888) 535-9300offers information, services, and support groups for Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Hodgkins Disease and Melodysplacia Syndromes
Riverside CountyLiteracy Services(951) 657-0796adult literacy programs and information
Riverside CountyLong-term Care Ombudsman Program(800) 464-1123assistance to nursing home and board and care residents and family members
Riverside CountyLook Good…Feel Better(800) 227-2345program for women undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment
Riverside CountyLoving Support Breastfeeding Hotline(888) 451-2499free breastfeeding help (English/Spanish). Free Prenatal Packet
Riverside CountyLupus Support Group(951) 875-2564 
Riverside CountyMADD(951) 766-8802Mothers Against Drunk Driving, crisis intervention, court accompaniment, information and referrals
Riverside CountyMaternal Child & Adolescent Health Services Referral Line(800) 794-4814 
Riverside CountyMultiple Sclerosis Association of America(800) 833-4672 
Riverside CountyNational Eye Care Project(800) 222-3937eligible callers will be referred to a nearby eye physician and surgeon who will provide the care at no out-of-pocket cost. Person must be age 65 or older and unable to pay for the care.
Riverside CountyNational Herpes Hotline(919) 361-8488a pre-recorded directory of information
Riverside CountyNational Multiple Sclerosis Society(800) 752-1773/ (951) 307-3388information and support for people with MS and their families.
Riverside CountyNicotine Anonymous(951) 782-0329support group for people trying to quit smoking
Riverside CountyNursing Home Crisis Line(800) 231-402424-hour crisis line for residents or family members who need immediate assistance or information
Riverside CountyObsessive/Compulsive Disorder Help Line(951) 796-3412provides information and referrals
Riverside CountyOvereaters Anonymous(951) 715-2080 
Riverside CountyPrenatal Care Guidance Program(951) 358-5323help in acquiring medical care and financial assistance for all pregnant women
Riverside CountyPsychologist Reference Service(800) 426-1113referrals to clinical psychologists
Riverside CountyRape Crisis Center(951) 686-7273child and teen abuse prevention, senior outreach, Hispanic outreach
Riverside CountyReach to Discovery(800) 227-2345program for women diagnosed with breast cancer
Riverside CountyRiverside Area Rape Crisis Center(951) 686-727324-hour hotline, hospital accompaniment and short-term counseling for rape and sexual assault survivors and their families
Riverside CountyRiverside County Department of Community Action(951) 955-4903Dispute resolution program offers assistance in disputes with neighbors, tenants, small claims, consumer-business and other issues.
Riverside CountyRiverside County Department of Health(800) 706-7500offers services and treatment for people who experience severe depression and other mental conditions. Medi-Cal recipients are eligible for services. All calls are completely confidential.
Riverside CountyRiverside County Department of Mental Health Services(951) 358-4705 
Riverside CountyRiverside County Department of Public Social Services(951) 955-6400information and referral services, adoptions
Riverside CountyRiverside County Department of Public Social Services(951) 358-3700/ 272-5400 
Riverside CountyRiverside County Family Child Care Association(951) 715-4866information, referrals
Riverside CountyRiverside County Office on Aging(800) 510-2020offers senior peer counseling
Riverside CountyRiverside County Veterans Service(951) 955-6050assistance for veterans, dependents and survivors
Riverside CountyScleroderma Support Group(951) 735-2724support group for scleroderma patients and their families
Riverside CountySenior Companion Program(951) 929-0423Companions provide assistance and friendship to isolated or homebound seniors
Riverside CountySenior Ombudsman Service and Shared Housing(951) 686-4402provides information and assistance, coordination of services and housing alternatives.
Riverside CountyState Office of Consumer Affairs(800) 952-5210investigates various complaints against businesses
Riverside CountyStuttering Foundation of America(800) 992-9392 
Riverside CountySurvivors of Incest Anonymous(410) 893-332212 step program for adult survivors of incest
Riverside CountySurvivors of Suicide Support Group(951) 679-2008for families who have lost loved ones through suicide
Riverside CountyTeen Challenge(951) 682-8990anti-drug presentations for youth in schools, clubs, etc. Residential program for adults
Riverside CountyTransportation Access Program (T.A.P.)(800) 464-1123referrals and information
Riverside CountyTSI(951) 358-9175transportation services for elderly and disabled people.
Riverside CountyVictims of Crime Resource Center(800) 842-8467free information and referrals on compensation, restitution, and the victim's role and rights in the criminal justice system.
Riverside CountyVietnam Veterans Counseling Center(800) 523-7052outreach counseling for vets and their families
Riverside CountyVisiting Nurse Association(951) 413-1270skilled nursing and therapy services at home
Riverside CountyWIC (Women, Infants and Children)(800) 455-4942supplementary food program for pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children to age five.
Sun CityAlzheimer's, Parkinson's, Stroke & Dementia Support Group meets every third Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at Cherry Hills Club
Sun CityHalter Hillside Apartments(951) 679-5803Low income Senior Housing operated under USDA Rural Development Housing Program, one bedrooms
Sun City, PerrisAction Parent Support Group(800) 282-5660groups for teens and parents concerned with substance abuse, gangs and other problems
Sun City, PerrisAlcoholics Anonymous(951) 695-1535 
Sun City, PerrisBereavement Support Group(951) 672-1666 
Sun City, PerrisChildhelp USA(800) 422-4453National Child Abuse Hotline
Sun City, PerrisChronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome(800) 442-3437 
Sun City, PerrisCocaine Anonymous(951) 359-3895hotline
TemeculaDebtors Anonymous Temecula Valley(951) 461-4085Sundays 5 to 6:15 p.m., Inland Valley Medical Center, main conference room, 36485 Inland Center Drive
Temecula, MurrietaAlcoholics Anonymous(951) 695-1535 
Temecula, MurrietaAlzheimer's Association(951) 484-3252 
Temecula, MurrietaBereavement Support Group(951) 672-1666 
Temecula, MurrietaBirth Choice(951) 699-9808pregnancy testing, information and assistance
Temecula, MurrietaC.H.A.D.D.(951) 678-7452/ 304-1623Children with Attention Deficit Disorder
Temecula, MurrietaCaregiver Support Group(951) 672-9536for caregivers and families with members suffering from Alzheimer's and other related illnesses
Temecula, MurrietaCity of Hope(951) 677-6240 
Temecula, MurrietaCocaine Anonymous(951) 359-3895hotline
Temecula, MurrietaCommunity Outreach Ministry(951) 698-7650offers referral services to individuals or families requiring emergency services and crisis intervention: food, clothing, shelters, work force development, holiday baskets, mentoring, care groups, case management, etc.
Temecula, MurrietaDivorceCare(951) 677-9368support group for separated or divorced
Temecula, MurrietaFood Addicts Anonymous(951) 695-9181 
Temecula, MurrietaHICAP(951) 676-5155/ 694-6464Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program, counseling to seniors and Medicare beneficiaries with questions about Medicare, HMOS, supplemental and long term health insurance
Temecula, MurrietaJurupa Senior Shuttle(800) 247-9293transportation program for seniors and disabled to grocery and nutrition sites
Temecula, MurrietaLa Leche League of Temecula Valley(951) 698-8553 
Temecula, MurrietaOstomy Association(951) 926-2898help for people who have had or will have colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy surgery
Temecula, MurrietaParents Without Partners(760) 726-1200 
Temecula, MurrietaRetired and Senior Volunteer Program(951) 929-0423Volunteer opportunities for seniors 55+
Temecula, MurrietaSelf-Help for the Hearing Impaired(951) 677-9114support group
Temecula, MurrietaStroke Support Group(951) 672-8533 
Temecula, MurrietaTransportation Specialists(800) 247-9293Intercity transportation for senior citizens, persons with disabilities and U.S. veterans
Temecula, MurrietaUnited Way of the Inland Valley(951) 699-1080 
Temecula, MurrietaWomen in Abusive Relationships(951) 699-3024support group
*Printed with permission from The Press-Enterprise