If You are Disabled
The Housing Authority of the County of Riverside complies with all laws and implementing regulations which provide for non-discrimination and accessibility in Federally funded housing and non-housing programs for people with disabilities. This includes Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Act of 1988. Available to the public is The Accessibility Notice.
If you are a person with a disability and require any special accommodation due to your disability, please let an employee of the Housing Authority know what accommodations you require. The application for the Section 8 and Public Housing programs asks if any special accommodation is needed by any disabled member of the household. Please complete this section if applicable. It is the intention of this agency to take actions to make the housing assistance programs or any non-housing program accessible to those with disabilities unless those actions would result in an undue burden. If you have any questions about this policy you may ask to speak with the supervisor of your Housing Specialist or you may inquire in writing.
For more information about Section 8 and the disabled, we have a Guide book that was written for that purpose. Guide book for Section 8 and disabled.
The Community Access Center provides information and supportive services to those that are disabled.
An additional web resource for those who are disabled or for those who advocate for the disabled is at Bazelon Center.
TDD lines for the hearing impaired are available in both offices of the Housing Authority please visit for details.
*If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can get the program free from Adobe.