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Waiting List Registration

Register Online

On July 1, 2023, the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside closed the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) waiting list to ALL except those meeting the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside’s First Level Preferences including eligible veterans, widows of veterans and those 70 years of age and older. 
This only applies to NEW registrations 7/1/23 or later. If you are already registered on the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) waiting list, this does not apply to you and you may update your existing registration. 
The Project Based Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation waiting lists will remain open and Registrations are accepted ONLINE. You can register by clicking on the appropriate link below. Please note that you must have a valid social security number in order to complete the Online Registration forms below:

Online Registration for Housing - in English

Registracion para la Asistencia de Vivienda - en Español

                    If you do not have a social security number, you can complete the registration form below.

If you do not have internet access or need assistance in completing the on-line registration, please visit your local library or other County office. Click the following link for more information: Computer Resource Listing

ONLY COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VALID SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. If you have a social security number and you complete this section, your name WILL NOT be added to any of the waiting lists maintained by the Housing Authority.
Do you have a valid SSN
Contact Information
Family Information
Personal Information
Please select the one you consider yourself to be:
Gender (Sex):
Registration Information

Please select an answer for each question below:

Do you live or work in Riverside County?
Are you currently homeless(living in a shelter, park or car?
Are you a homeless family with children residing in a shelter?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head elderly (62 or older)?
If you have minor children, are they living with you? If you have no minor children, select No
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head disabled?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head currently working 32 hours or more per week?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head currently receiving Unemployment Benefits?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head currently receiving Workman's Compensation benefits?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head currently receiving State (or other temporary) Disability benefits?
Is the head of household/spouse/co-head a veteran or the widow of a veteran?
Does your household require a handicapped accessible unit?
I am interested in registering and/or updating my information for the following Programs
PROJECT BASED VOUCHER PROGRAM (PBV): I am interested in registering and/or updating my information for the following developments (Household Annual Income must not exceed the Area Median Income Limit of the development/unit). Preference is given to applicants that live or work in Riverside County:

(Monthly Amount & Source)

Please select the one the Spouse/Co-Head considers themself to be:
Spouse/Co-Head Gender (Sex)